crushing on... JOJO RABBIT
Dear Jojo Rabbit,
I have a color crush on you and I find it apropos, after all, you have been called “a love story.” You had many choices in your narrative, you could have chosen the darker side but instead, you chose hope, depicted in vibrant, playful surroundings connected to innocence and youth. Like an arrow, you took a direct shot at human truth, something you called “anti-hate satire.”
You are nothing like I pictured, your weapon is hope, which you translated into rich, warm hues with occasional eye-popping color. You, Jojo, transformed your nonsensical view of life lived fully in your head directly to your heart (your mom would be proud). As your ideologies changed, and war ensued, so did your surroundings. From a high contrast, saturated world you moved into a place drained of color, dull, cold and grim from the ravages of war. But you stayed constant and committed to being self-reflective and slowly you and your surrounding color began to dance again.
You are part of my journey to discover new shades of meaning. I will never regret crushing on you because you opened my mind to new dialogue where history influences the future. You reveal what happens when we are not afraid to love one another, human to human, heart to heart.