crushing on... ON running

Dear ON,

Okay… I admit it, I am obsessed. I have a color crush on you. Let me confess, I am not a runner, but your shoes make me want to go long-distance, the kind like Forrest Gump. Your shoe engineering is fantastic, but your colors are revolutionary and dreamy, even they run on clouds. 

It was hard to determine my favorite but the three colors in Cloudflow, Petrol / Neon form a perfect union, kind of like your founders. The combination is symbiotic. The Petrol is a perfect backdrop, but the intensity and depth of the blue-green (even though it didn’t get named) is perfection. The Neon is electrifying…the perfect jolt to wake and shake it up. I continue to crush on all your color combinations, no finish line in site. I could go ON and ON!

You are part of my journey to discover new shades of meaning. I don’t regret crushing on you. You tout that you are a lightweight and soft landing, but you hit me hard. This isn’t a sprint; I am in it for the long run.



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